Opinion polls are not, in fact nothing but a way of investigating. In particular, are a method, or a set of methods or techniques, aimed at collecting information about some aspect of social reality. Properly understood, then as a research strategy of social phenomena, the poll is fairly recent, then use systematic and controlled (and successful) dates from the interwar period of the twentieth century.
The practical reasons that led to its development (something quick) and implementation were, naturally, in war, economic and largely related to the profound social and political changes that were operated on is this particular period. However, beyond the needs of specific practices that gave rise, the survey would not have been possible without the theoretical and methodological developments that support and, previously, had not taken place. As noted, the survey is provided, among other things, the application of certain mathematical procedures to obtain information on social reality. Here it should be noted the importance of American sociology, as embodied in major theorists and researchers such as Paul Lazarsfeld and the famous George Gallup.
In the next posting will show how, in the American case in particular, individual ballots and certain developments in social psychology set the stage, so to speak, the emergence of the survey, the opinion poll as we know it today, meaning a tool of public record.
Let us note finally that, as background music for all these reasons and background, there has always been associated with research through opinion polls what Karl Popper called the old dream of prophecy: the desire to know what happen. It is not necessary to know what a survey or to properly take this factor into account, but if we arrive at an understanding of the case, it should not be olivdar.
Many are those who do not mind, and many people mistakenly believe have achieved.
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